The best way to get in touch with us is by email. Depending on the nature of your query, you can contact at us at any of the following email addresses:
moc.ortcele-sogol|selas#moc.ortcele-sogol|selas — Sales inquiries, question about ordering Logos Electromechanical products, etc.
moc.ortcele-sogol|troppus#moc.ortcele-sogol|troppus — Technical and customer support questions.
moc.ortcele-sogol|tcatnoc#moc.ortcele-sogol|tcatnoc — General contact email address.
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Logos Electromechanical Announce — General announcement list for all Logos products, events, and special offers.
Zigduino Announce — Announcements, events, and special offers for the Zigduino.
Zigduino Discuss — Discussion of the Zigduino platform, applications, and related topics.